Frequent updates: Voi advice for riders regarding COVID-19

Mar 18, 2020

(Updated 17 April 2020)

No one knows what the future holds, but we know that the world will never be the same again and we want to help people adapt to the new normal. As governments are slowly lifting restrictions we are opening up markets to continue supporting our cities with a safe mode of transportation during these times of social distancing.

Frequent updates on Voi cities re-opening will follow below:

Sweden: Stockholm, Göteborg, Uppsala (new)
Norway: Oslo
Denmark: Copenhagen, Odense (new)
Finland: Helsinki

(Updated 26 March 2020)

As of today, we will regrettably be pausing our operations in the majority of our cities, only keeping open a handful of our largest cities.

The cities we keep open are:

Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Gothenburg, and Stockholm.

In the cities we keep open we will drastically reduce our fleet size but will continue to serve our communities and to the extent possible keep capacity at important hubs, like major transport hubs and hospitals.

We have been forced to make this hard decision as people due to Covid-19 are working from home and no longer visiting restaurants, pubs, theatres and friends and consequently not in need of hopping on a Voi.

Our plan is to kick start our operations again when the situation allows.

(Updated 18 March 2020)

At Voi, we believe in creating cities made for living. Now more than ever we will do what we can to help our cities and citizens by continuing to offer a safe alternative for transportation in cities during these times of social distancing.

Making our scooters available in a safe manner

In particular, Voi will make our scooters easily available for people who still need to get to work such as hospital workers, store workers and the rest of the corner-stones of society. We are adapting our fleet due to the current situation and as a result we are focusing our fleet around commuter hubs, and in several cities we are doing the same around hospitals to support healthcare staff that still need to get to work safely.

“I feel now more than ever a collaborative approach is needed. Supporting communities is in Voi’s DNA, and we will continue to provide the corner-stones of society that still need to work with a safe way to move through European cities for as long as the situation allows.”

– Fredrik Hjelm, CEO & co-founder of Voi

We continue to monitor the situation and are in close dialogue with all our 40 European cities to be able to, in a safe manner, help out where it’s needed. We have temporarily paused our operations in France due to the country’s lockdown. Our goal is to start operations as quickly as possible once the situation allows us to again.

Precautionary measures at Voi

Safety is always top of mind at Voi, and we are taking increased precautionary measures to protect our users and staff, following WHO guidelines for basic protective measures as well as local recommendations and restrictions.

As of last week office staff are recommended to work from home, and all our warehouse employees have received dedicated training in order to meet the sanitary requirements for disinfection as we have increased the frequency of sanitation of our vehicles, as well as of other e-scooters in the vicinity. Our employees performing such tasks are protected by gloves and masks as well as specific clothing, and use disposable products.

User recommendations to keep communities safe

In a collective effort, we ask all our users to respect the World Health Organization’s recommendations related to hand hygiene and social distancing. We also encourage you to wear gloves while riding e-scooters, and to greet your fellow riders with a smile instead of a handshake.

For more information and guidance please visit the WHO website.

In the past few days, we have seen examples of communities and businesses coming together and supporting each other. Voi has started to offer help for restaurants in Nordic cities, providing e-scooters to meet the increased demand for food delivery to people’s homes. Now more than ever, a collaborative approach is needed. Please reach out to us if you have any ideas on how we can support our communities further. We are all in this together. 

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