Voi celebrates European Mobility Week 2020 – Zero-Emission Mobility for all
Sep 16, 2020
Today marks the first day of European Mobility Week. We’re thrilled about this year’s theme, which highlights the importance of access to zero-emission mobility for all – a mission we strive for every single day at Voi.
At Voi, we believe that cities should be free from congestion and pollution – and that you should be able to move around on your terms. For two years, we have been championing a shift towards lightweight, shared and carbon-neutral mobility all across Europe. Since January 2020, Voi is carbon neutral – every ride has no carbon footprint!
Since 2018, we’ve unlocked over 25 million rides across 45 cities in 11 different countries.
Stay tuned in our social media channels this week to get to know some of our Voiagers from across our markets, and hear them talk about how we work together with cities for a more sustainable, safe and inclusive urban mobility mix.
Learn more about carbon-neutrality and environmental accountability on Zero Emission Day (September 21st) and join us for Car Free day (September 22nd) by skipping those short, unnecessary car rides and choosing sustainable modes instead – like walking, biking or Voi’ing. And remember to tag @voiscooters while doing so!
Happy European Mobility Week!