Hej Lund! Voi launches in its 15th Swedish city

May 19, 2022

In May 2022 Voi launched in Lund, Sweden. This is the 15th municipality where Voi now operates in its home market.

Christina Moe Gjerde, General Manager Nordics at Voi, says: “We look forward to launching our operations in Lund and providing a green transport alternative in cooperation with the municipality. This is Voi’s third city in the Skåne region.”

Voi’s service in Lund targets everyone looking for a sustainable transport alternative to car journeys, as a complement to public transport and as a first and last mile solution. Voi’s shared e-scooters will be available to everyone over 18 in central Lund, Oscarshem, Annehem, Planetstaden, Hospitalgården and Lund University.

Slow Speed Zones and Reaction Test to promote traffic safety

Lund municipality and Voi have cooperated to choose which popular pedestrianised streets will become Voi’s designated Slow Speed Zones. When a vehicle enters a Slow Speed Zone, the e-scooter speed is automatically reduced from the statutory 20km/h to a much slower walking speed of 6km/h.

On Wednesdays to Saturdays, between the hours of 22.00 and 05.00, the speed is reduced from 20km/h to 15km/h. During these hours Voi’s in-app Reaction Test is also activated in order to prevent intoxicated driving. Riders who fail the test are advised to take alternative transport modes.

Voi’s No Parking Zones

Together with the municipality, Voi has identified No Parking Zones. These and, in contrast, incentivised Parking Zones are clearlyidentified on the app. When riders use Voi’s Parking Zones, they are rewarded with a discount. Eventually this affects where the shared e-scooters are parked and picked up which encourages responsible parking behaviour. In addition to this, riders have to take and submit a Parking Photo in order to finish their ride.

Digital traffic school

Residents in Lund who have not ridden e-scooters before are advised to use Voi’s digital traffic school RideLikeVoila.com, that more than 600,000 riders in Europe have used already. Beginners can also opt to ride in Beginner’s mode on the app, which automatically lowers the lower maximum speed to 15km/h for as long as they like.

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